नोकीली बिल्ली (Pointy Kitty)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A sudden brainwave attacked the lethargic minds of two hens two days ago. It reminded Tarka and I, that our time on this planet is very short. So quite gallantly, we undertook this project, thanks to Patil's wonderful stitching skills and me for diving into the garbage box in the textile studio, in the hope of rummaging some loose cloth. We had no materials to speak of, and were reluctant to shed a dime. So what did we do? A torn kurta, some loose yarns, a pair of buttons. Nearly everything we used in this project was borrowed, including scissors. We are two MIGHTY PAUPERS with a BIG dream. And we made it HAPPEN. Yay!!

In these pictures you can see our pet frolicking with Mana's mice. They had a mighty sweet time together in the photoshoot!


Bondhu said...

"If you can dream it you can do it....it all started off with a mouse "...said Walter Elias Disney many many years ago...I feel its essential to dream...the MIGHTY PAUPER did something atleast out of nothing :)

Bhargav Saikia said...

Hey Nimi, visiting your blog after a very long time. I really like this 'Nokili Billi' you've made :) Good work! And your English to Hindi translation skills are pretty good, I must say! LOL! How you doing?

Tarun Padmakumar said...

Nice photographs and a nicely knit, cute kitty. I dunno why but the cat reminds me off a crescent moon!

Emily said...

Adorable kitty! Those button eyes remind me of Neil Gaimans Coraline! Very cool!

Unknown said...

Beats having your own live kitten...ah..lovely..if only I could stitch.Phish.

kanika said...

oh god! more than the kitty, which ofcourse because i have seen and come to hate :P because it was in my room for years, the description is absolutely fantablous, noone can beat that ;) Mighty Paupers with a Big Dream, and even bigger appetites ;)

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