Mammoth + Shark ray + prawn

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An attempt to bring back three classic prehistoric species with a twist.


jazzlamb said...

Woah. The blog looks new. And this looks kick ass. I love the flowy thing it does!

Er. said...

The theme looks nice, fresh like the concept of your posts. :)

Tarun Padmakumar said...

Oh wow. your blog had a make-over!
Very nice and "textury".
I like your creature, but more than that I love your show-reel in the post below. What really caught my eye were the bits of your recent project in there. I love the treatment and style. I think I like it alot because it looks very much like a platform game, very similar to alot of the new side-scrolling ones that have come out recently.

It looks awesome and I am eager to find out wht it is about. Im sure it is magical yet haunting at the same time.

Unknown said...

Your blog's got a new look! Im glad youve started posting again. The prehistoric shrimp elephant cocktail (that could sound delishuss) is my favourite. It could be a diagram in a Lockhart notebook.

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